Reliable server hosting for all of your favorite games

24/7 Top Level Technical Support

Get the best customer support of any Minecraft server host. Our average support ticket reply time is under 15 minutes. 

Worldwide Servers For Lower Latency

We offer game server hosting at 20 locations worldwide so that you can have a low latency wherever you’re located.

Automatic Modpack Installation

Our Minecraft hosting plans include automatic modpack installation. It’s easy to install hundreds of mods with a few clicks.

Why Choose Us?

We've got features that others don't.

Round-the-clock support: Your assistance, anytime

Facing a mod, modpack, plugin, or setting snag on your server? Our support team's quick response—usually within 15 minutes—means more playtime with friends and less server tinkering.
Round-the-clock support: Your assistance, anytime

Powerful control panel for easy Game Server management

Empower your gaming experience with our user-friendly control panel. Manage every facet of your hosted games effortlessly—start, stop, add modpacks, tweak config files, adjust player slots—all in a few clicks. Ideal for both beginners and seasoned players, it delivers the comprehensive tools and features you require.
Powerful control panel for easy Game Server management

High performance game servers with low latency

Powerful hardware is essential for online games uniting thousands of players in a virtual universe. Opting for hosting customized to these demands is an excellent solution for uninterrupted creation and management of game servers.
High performance game servers with low latency
What's Included?

Most important Game Server features

Instant Server Setup

Our servers are setup instantly. Jump right into the game or start modding away!

DDoS Protection

Let us focus on keeping your server safe while you protect your base! All servers come with DDOS protection at no extra charge.

24/7/365 Support

Our support never sleeps! No matter the date or time, our professional team is standing by to help with our Game Server hosting.

Mod Support

Our Game Servers fully support mods. And with our custom game server panel, modding is easier than ever!

Automate Server Updates

Our system includes automated game updates free of charge. No commands required. Manual options offered

Free Dedicated Server IP

Our premium Game Servers are hosted on port 222222 by default, so there’s no need to enter extra port numbers after your server IP.

Start Now!

More than 100 games online immediately.

Whether ARK, Minecraft or DayZ. We have made setting up a game server extremely easy for you.
More than 100 games online immediately.
Server Specificaction

Easily customizable high performance Game Servers

Every server we offer is equipped with the following specifications, easily upgradeable during the game selection and ordering process!

8 - 64 GB


3.8 GHz - 5.0 GHz

CPU Frequency

up to 24

Server Locations


Server Storage

We are BIG on community

Join our Discord server to receive the latest news and promotions.

We are BIG on community
تعليقات العملاء

لماذا يحب عملاؤنا خدماتنا

خدمات استضافة خمس نجوم!


خدمات استضافة استثنائية! بنيتهم التحتية القوية ضمنت استقرار موقعي وسرعات تحميل فائقة. الدعم كان سريعًا وذو معرفة واسعة. تغيير جذري لأعمالي عبر الإنترنت.      أحمد س.

شركة استضافة عظيمة

كان بناء موقعي على ووردبريس سهلاً للغاية بفضل خدمات الاستضافة الخاصة بهم. الإعداد السهل والأدوات البديهية جعلت العملية سلسة. أنا سعيد جدًا بالتجربة الخالية من المتاعب والنتائج المذهلة.      فاطمة م

دعم مفيد للغاية

أنا معجب للغاية بخدمات الاستضافة التي يقدمونها. الميزة الأبرز بالنسبة لي هي دعم العملاء المميز – سريع، ودود، ومفيد للغاية. لقد تجاوزوا توقعاتي حقًا  !      محمد ج

خوادم عالية الجودة

أنا مسرور بخدمات الاستضافة الخاصة بهم. كان أداء موقع الويب الخاص بي استثنائيًا ، وذلك بفضل أجهزتهم من الدرجة الأولى. أحدثت سرعات وموثوقية حارقة فرقًا كبيرًا لوجودي عبر الإنترنت.      نسرين ك

أسرع استضافة

أنا مندهش من سرعة خوادمهم! يتم تحميل موقع الويب الخاص بي في لحظة ، مما يوفر تجربة مستخدم استثنائية. لقد عززت خدمات الاستضافة الخاصة بهم أداء موقعي بشكل كبير.         يوسف ر

ببساطة مذهلة

منتجاتهم مذهلة بكل بساطة. أدت الجودة والميزات والقيمة التي يقدمونها إلى زيادة وجودي على الإنترنت. خيار رائع لأي شخص يبحث عن حلول استضافة من الدرجة الأولى .       علي س.

Frequently asked questions

Will I be able to add Mods?

Modding is a big part of most games, so it only makes sense that we'd allow you to use them on your service. We support all modlets and are happy to help you install them to your server. Our support team is available 24/7 and is ready to assist you whenever you need it. Please note that some overhaul mods may not be fully supported due to external requirements, please check with us first!
Get Started Now

Order premium Game Server hosting!

Enjoy seamless gameplay, enhanced performance, and unrivaled reliability for your favorite multiplayer titles.